
Be like the Butterfly…

For various reasons I have not been here recently. Life throws up storms from time to time as we all know. Sometimes it is hard to cope and we wonder why things happen as they do. But I have learned that showing up and putting one foot in front of the other helps, as does the kindness of friends.

Where would I be without my writing? I’m not sure, as writing helps me focus on the light. My writing, both in written stories and poetry is simple, but carries a message from my heart to yours. It’s a rocky ride, this world, but writing with hope helps keep my world, and hopefully yours, on its axis.

I read two things today which resonated with me, so I would like to mention them here. One of my favourite authors is Marian Keyes and I read an email from her this morning. She talked about how the world can be a scary place and how we can feel fearful (I’m paraphrasing), and struggle, but (and this is the bit I like): ‘You can’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm.’ We all want to save the world but we have to care for ourselves as well, before we can help others.

That leads me to the next thing that caught my eye somewhere. Words about a butterfly. ‘A butterfly won’t fly when it rains because the raindrops damage their wings. They rest and wait it out, it’s self preservation. It’s okay to rest during the storms in your life. Take all the time you need and you will fly again once the storm passes.’

We can fly
We can grow,
We can listen to
What we think we need to know.
We can dress
To impress
We can follow a plan,
As we carry our life
In the palm of our hand.
But remember, all the dreams we wrote
Lie tucked in the pocket
Of our old overcoat.


By Lyn Halvorsen

Blogger. Author. Follower of all things inspirational and pursuing the gentler side of life.

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